Canon Club EOS C70 MOUNT ADAPTER EF-EOS R 0.71x Lifestyle


Friday 10th November

We are proud to be returning as a sponsor of Aesthetica Short Film Festival, taking place in York from the 8-12th November 2023.
Join Canon on the 10th November at York Theatre Royal, for a dedicated cinematography day. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the range of different cinema cameras and learn the tools and techniques to use on your next production.

Getting to know the latest cinema cameras

Friday 10 November | 12:00 – 13:30
York Theatre Royal Upper Foyer

Capturing cinematic quality is no longer reserved for those with the biggest budgets. However, with so many options, knowing which camera to choose for the job gives you a lot to consider. Researching the best equipment to use, how it operates and when to put it into practice can be a big task. Join the Canon team during this networking session where you will learn about the latest range of Cinema EOS cameras. Find out the ins and outs of how they work. Get professional input on how you can harness new equipment across your future film productions.

eos c70 beauty cinc teaser web
A man holding a Canon Cinema EOS camera with a Flex Zoom lens attached films a woman holding a cup in her hands.

Open your eyes to cinema cameras: A practical workshop with Canon

Friday 10 November | 14:30 – 16:30
York Theatre Royal Studio

Are you looking to enhance your cinematography skills? Here is your opportunity to explore the full range of cinema cameras and test out the functionality. Cameras have come a long way in recent years. It used to be that capturing that cinematic quality was only reserved for those with the biggest budgets. But cinema camera technology has never been more accessible. This workshop is a practical walk-through of the latest Canon Cinema EOS range and will help you understand which camera is right for your work.

Tips and tricks

Need a little inspiration? Check out the articles below which may offer some advice on how to achieve that competition-winning film.