How are employees and IT departments really feeling about hybrid working?

See how 3,008 IT decision makers and end-users from seven European markets feel about remote working, cloud adoption, cybersecurity and more. Read Hybrid Snapshot: The Impact on Employee and IT Experience to get the latest statistics and analysis to inform your decision-making in the future digital workspace.


Success in a hybrid world: you can Make It Happen

To help shape effective hybrid operations, business leaders must consider many factors about their people and processes – from security, productivity, collaboration, and customer experience. This is to help prioritise sustainability and employee experience.

In the sections below, discover how to help keep up with the fastest acceleration of organisational change the world has ever seen.

Getting a handle on hybrid: What questions should you be asking?

The digital transformation we’re experiencing now means there’s no going back to old ways, and the appetite for digitally driven change is only set to increase. To secure your organisation’s place in the future with an engaged and productive workforce, read Hybrid Business Now: Nine questions to navigate the new world of work.
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Office professional getting a handle on hybrid working.

Hybrid work meets security: Do you know how to rise to the key challenges?

Hybrid work has dramatically changed how information flows through organisations. But the flexibility that’s treasured by many employees has created cybersecurity and compliance headaches for the IT department. To understand how to meet new threats to your organisation, read Hybrid Business Now: Information Security in the Hybrid Workspace.
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Hybrid work meets security
Hybrid work meets security

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Hybrid Snapshot: the impact on employee and IT experience

Read our latest and most comprehensive report on the impact of hybrid working across Europe, from the perspectives of 1,791 end users and 1,217 IT decision makers. Get qualitative and quantitative insights and analysis to future-proof your business.
Read the report now

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